Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Random Brain Thoughts

Does anyone else think Jim Balsillie has a hilarious name?

There are a lot of crime labs and/or police stations with interior glass walls. I learned that from TV.

With all these car companies filing for bankruptcy, why are none of them having a "We're Fucking Broke Sale!" ?

When Lloyd Robertson thinks you're lame, you're really lame.

If humans get to the point, within my lifetime, to be able to colonize other planets, I'm going to volunteer to go. They don't have swine flu in space.

Anderson Cooper is a silver fox.

Sarah Palin's daughter, an unwed teen mother, is now speaking in support for teen abstinence! Her message for teens considering sex is basically that raising her kid is way harder than she thought it would be, so others should abstain so that they don't get in way over their heads like she is. That's almost as ridiculous as an inexperienced Governor from Alaska almost becoming the Vice President of the USA.

I think, in honour of Jim Balsillie, calling things "ball-silly" should be a new phrase that people will use. Thats not silly, it's ball-silly! Maybe it can mean something in hockey, but I'm not sure if hockey has room for anymore fun terms. I'll have to email Don Cherry and ask him.

when life hands you lemons, slice them into wedges and get a case of Brahma cause its summer baby!!!

1 comment:

  1. I will never understand why abstinence is always deemed to be The Answer for teen pregnancy.

