Saturday, November 14, 2009

Scared and Excited

Hello Internet,

So I'm finally fed up enough with Windows to install Linux on my computer. I've decided to go with the Ubuntu distribution because it seems like the most accessible version for a first time user. I'm scared though for I don't want to do anything wrong and say ERASE ALL MY FILES. That would be bad. Very bad. Though I am backing everything up as I type to my external hard drive, so things should be ok. I'm planning on dual booting Windows XP and Ubuntu for the time being. I can't fully give up on Windows because I love my Windows based videogames, and my Windows based pirated software that will go unnamed. However, I have learned from you Internet, that there is a way to run Windows within a Linux distribution, so once I figure that out, I might be uninstalling it from my hard drive, I'm not really sure how that works yet!?!? Anyway, wish me luck Internet, I'll let you know when I'm done whether I messed it up or not!!!

When life hands you lemons, partition your lemon's hard drive to run multiple operating systems. Then you can make half the lemon into lemonade, while continuing to use the other half for what you normally use it for. I haven't quite figured out what that is yet.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Being Sick Sucks


So I am sick. So sick, in fact, that I am so bored that I finally decided to go post on this blog. I know that sounds awful, but this blog has been at the bottom of my priorities list for quite a while, and I don't usually get time to get to the bottom of my priorities list. Anywho, enough of this ball-silliness.

I'm here today, or tonight rather, because I felt the need to write about how I feel. Now, for those of you who can't remember from earlier, please keep in mind that I'm sick. My insides generally feel too big for their big pink container I refer to as my body. Because of that, my extremities are moving slower than usual - almost as if my brain is having to ask them to work twice before they respond. Because of that my brain is working too hard and I have a pounding headache. Because of all that I've taken a whole lot of medication. Because of that (on a side note, there needs to be something more expressive than italics. Oh. That was easy. Rewind.) Because of that, my extremities are moving even slower - it is a vicious cycle that I'm sure you've started to see.

The problem is, there is no way to exit this cycle. Unlike the new round-a-bout at the mall, I can't just exit when I choose to. The only way to beat this is to wait it out. I have to keep circling this stupid round-a-bout until they finally come and install the signs that tell traffic entering the round-a-bout to yield to traffic in the round-a-bout. At that time, someone will let me move into the right lane and exit - allowing me to return to school, and normal life in general. However, until that happens I am stuck feeling like someone stuck an air pump in my ass and blew me up a little too big. I'm like a parade float that, instead of exploding when I'm pumped too big, just coughs and sneezes and gets snot everywhere (almost like a Nickelodeon parade!). What was that show called again? Uh-Oh! (Thanks Google!) Unfortunately that was YTV not Nickelodeon, but whatever.

Wink from Uh-Oh!

I did it again!

When life hands you lemons, give them to The Punisher to make yellow slime with. The next kid who spells a word incorectly gets..... oh no! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (Audience yells "Uh-Oh!")