Thursday, November 5, 2009

Being Sick Sucks


So I am sick. So sick, in fact, that I am so bored that I finally decided to go post on this blog. I know that sounds awful, but this blog has been at the bottom of my priorities list for quite a while, and I don't usually get time to get to the bottom of my priorities list. Anywho, enough of this ball-silliness.

I'm here today, or tonight rather, because I felt the need to write about how I feel. Now, for those of you who can't remember from earlier, please keep in mind that I'm sick. My insides generally feel too big for their big pink container I refer to as my body. Because of that, my extremities are moving slower than usual - almost as if my brain is having to ask them to work twice before they respond. Because of that my brain is working too hard and I have a pounding headache. Because of all that I've taken a whole lot of medication. Because of that (on a side note, there needs to be something more expressive than italics. Oh. That was easy. Rewind.) Because of that, my extremities are moving even slower - it is a vicious cycle that I'm sure you've started to see.

The problem is, there is no way to exit this cycle. Unlike the new round-a-bout at the mall, I can't just exit when I choose to. The only way to beat this is to wait it out. I have to keep circling this stupid round-a-bout until they finally come and install the signs that tell traffic entering the round-a-bout to yield to traffic in the round-a-bout. At that time, someone will let me move into the right lane and exit - allowing me to return to school, and normal life in general. However, until that happens I am stuck feeling like someone stuck an air pump in my ass and blew me up a little too big. I'm like a parade float that, instead of exploding when I'm pumped too big, just coughs and sneezes and gets snot everywhere (almost like a Nickelodeon parade!). What was that show called again? Uh-Oh! (Thanks Google!) Unfortunately that was YTV not Nickelodeon, but whatever.

Wink from Uh-Oh!

I did it again!

When life hands you lemons, give them to The Punisher to make yellow slime with. The next kid who spells a word incorectly gets..... oh no! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (Audience yells "Uh-Oh!")

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