Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Hello all!

So, with this post I thought I would discuss an application that I've been using for quite a while now, that I absolutely love, and that I don't think many people know about. It is called StumbleUpon, and it is also the first link I've ever posted in my blog (I feel all grown up now). I've graduated blog preschool or something cause I now know how to add links, pretty sweet!

Anyway, StumbleUpon is an application that you can download and add to your browser, for free, that allows you to rate every site you go onto. You either "like it" or "don't like it". Now, I know this doesn't sound too great yet, but there is much more to it than that. Once you have downloaded the Stumble toolbar you will now have a Stumble button in your browser. When clicked, the toolbar will take you to a page that it thinks you'll like based on what you have "liked" and "not liked" previously. In other words, you will "stumble upon" a site you've probably never seen before. StumbleUpon's motto is "the more you use it, the better it gets", for the more feedback you give the toolbar, the more it zeros in on your likes and interests. Also, every several times you hit the Stumble button, you will be directed to the your StumbleUpon account page where you can check off topics that interest you from a wide list. This only happens a couple times when you're first starting out so that the toolbar gets a jump start on knowing what you like, so that you see results sooner. I've been using it for about 8 months and almost every time I hit the Stumble button I'm taken to something new, and exciting that I never would have found on my own. You can also set filters and Stumble just within certain sites like Blogger or Colleghumor.

Another cool feature that StumbleUpon offers is the ability to see what your friends likes are by connecting to their account page. My sister and I are friends over Stumble and we enjoy checking up on what the other has stumbled upon, and learning from each other's interests. It is a great way to take in information and it ties into a lot of interesting discussion that I've read lately on how people want to receive their information uncensored and have more power over what they read, hear, and watch. If you would like some views on other ways in which people are receiving their information, check out this post on my friend Shane's blog.

I think the way in which humans want to receive their info, whether it be for news or entertainment, is changing and changing fast. I agree with a lot of the things on Shane's blog and the links that he has provided. There is also an interesting article, the link for which is posted in a comment on the article you'll arrive at if you follow the link to Shane's blog. Look into this stuff and let me know what you think. How will this affect TV stations? Radio? Music publishers and producers? Hollywood? It's really interesting, and something which everyone needs to learn about and be conscious of how they want to take in information.

when life hands you lemons, change the settings on your life RSS feed and filter out lemons - unless you love lemons, then you should add lemons to your favourites list

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